For more information, go to the Cyborg race page.
You can also use a Dark Fist to obtain the Cyborg Race by placing it on the area where a Microchip for the Order Raid is placed. You can use a Dark Fist to get Chess Yoru / Yoru v3, however, Darkbeard must be spawned in to obtain it. This will spawn the Raid Boss, Darkbeard. You can activate it by sailing to the Dark Arena, placing it on the pedestal at the center. The “Fist of Darkness” can be found rarely in any random Chest in the Second Sea / New World (note: you have to wait 4 hours after the server start time for the Dark Fist to have a 100% chance to spawn in a random Chest). Despite being called a “fist”, it looks more like a maroon scepter. A Dark Fist (also known as the Fist of Darkness) is an object of great significance, being that it can spawn the Raid Boss, Darkbeard, and is part of the assembly of the Cyborg race.