When locked down in operating position, they dig into and break up hard ground so it can be shaped to your need. They’re often available with replaceable steel tips. Scarifiers are angled metal teeth, mounted in a row on a crossbeam across the upper width of the box blade. It’s used primarily for spreading material like soil or gravel, and for grading, leveling, or backfilling an expansive area of land for a driveway, lawn, garden, building site, etc.
Versatile, because you’ll find so many applications for it once you get the hang of using it.Ī box blade with scarifiers is basically a 3-sided metal box, with front and rear scraping blades that sit across the bottom of the rear panel. Fundamental, because of its very simple, straightforward design. Along with a loader bucket and rear blade, a box blade ( US CA) with scarifiers is one of the most versatile and fundamental implements to have in your machine shed.